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Family’s generous donation supports hospital lab expansion


December 2, 2024


The Kincardine and Community Health Care Foundation is pleased to announce the Nicol Family Foundation has committed $1 million to the redevelopment of the Kincardine hospital in memory of Dr. D.A.D. Milne.


The Dr. D.A.D. Milne Laboratory will be built as part of the redevelopment in memory of Dr. Milne who moved to Kincardine in 1955 and practised in town until 1981. He built the first medical clinic and, during that time, recruited most of the doctors to town. Dr. Milne was instrumental in setting up the first laboratory at the hospital which was a critical asset for diagnosis and treatment. The current laboratory processes more than 366,000 tests each year and is projected to increase to more than 853,000 tests by 2026.


Neil Nicol, President of the Nicol Family Foundation, and grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Milne said, “My grandparents always loved and valued their time in Kincardine, and as a family who still has close ties to the area, we felt it was important to show our support to the campaign.”


After graduating from the University of Toronto Medical School in 1951, Dr. Milne worked as a family physician in Paisley before he and wife Doris moved their growing family to Kincardine. There, he practiced family medicine for more than a quarter century and, along with Doris, raised 10 children, gardened, and played an active role in the community. Many of Dr. Milne’s children still live or cottage in the community.  


"Our father loved practicing in Kincardine, and our family still has deep connections to the area,” said Christine Milne. “The hospital was almost a second home for him.”


In accepting the donation, Becky Fair, KCHCF President mentioned that “although Dr. and Mrs. Milne left the area to perform other philanthropic ventures around the world, they always held close ties to the people here and were remembered and well thought of.  We are immensely grateful that Dr. Milne’s family has decided to remember his love and their families’ connection to Kincardine through this donation.”  


With this latest commitment, the campaign to redevelop the Kincardine hospital has now reached $9.8 million. 


In recognition of the gift, as well as naming the new laboratory the “Dr. D.A.D. Milne Laboratory”, the old physician “on call” box (which features Dr. Milne, as well as many other well-known physicians) will be moved from near the emergency Department and preserved in the new laboratory space. 


Members of the Milne and Nicol families recently joined 90 other Foundation donors to unveil a banner dedicated to their father and accept the thanks of the Foundation and of the South Bruce Grey Health Centre management. 


About the Foundation and the Capital Campaign

The Kincardine & Community Health Care Foundation was established in 1995 as a non-profit charitable organization. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that is committed to representing the people of Kincardine and the surrounding communities. The sole purpose of the Foundation is to raise funds for the benefit of our local hospital.

The Foundation has gathered a team of volunteers led by co-chairs Kathryn Freimanis and Graham Mahood. These volunteers are the Foundation’s Ambassadors, and include current and retired health care workers, businesspeople, and interested community members. These Ambassadors are reaching out to families, community groups and businesses to achieve the $18 million goal of the “Building Health Care for Generations” campaign.

Community members who would like more information can contact Mark Womack, Capital Campaign Manager, at 519-396-3331 x4335 or kfcapitalcampaign@outlook.com.



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